There is a lot to celebrate about this country 🍁 but there is also a lot of coming to terms with what we have done and - as a result, a lot of work to be done.

We most certainly don’t have the answers but we know that we have to admit to our wrongdoings, learn how to do better, and then do better.

This is why I have decided to help in raising awareness of Indigenous programs as well as raise funds for THE GORD DOWNIE & CHANIE WENJACK FUND. 
On this day, July 1st, I will donate 20% of print sales to @downiewenjack
Donations contribute to reconciliation in Canada by supporting the development of resources for DWF programs such as Legacy Spaces, Legacy Schools, reconciliACTIONs and events that serve to bring Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities together.
Inspired by @nookrestaurant